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Rural Development
Urban and rural planning
Natural Resources
Food Industry Science
organic farming
Food security
Increased fatty acids of Purslane by nitrogen and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza under drought stress
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 53 - 65
Author(s) : Mohammad Hadi Hosseinzadeh* 1 , Amir Ghalavand 2 , Masoud Mashhadi-Akbar-Boojar 3 , Seyed Ali Mohammad Modarres-Sanavy 4 , Ali Mokhtassi-Bidgoli 5
1 Ph.D.Student,Department of Agronomy,Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran,Iran Email:
2 Department of Agronomy Science, Faculty of Agriculture,Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran,Iran, Email:
3 Department of Cell and Molecular Biology , Faculty of Biological sciences,Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran,Email:
4 Department of Agronomy Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran Email:
5 Department of Agronomy Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran Email:
Abstract :
To investigate combined effect of nitrogen and mycorrhiza under water deficit stress on the purslane, a factorial split experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted in a semi-arid region of Iran in 2015 and 2016. The main plots were factorial combination of two irrigation conditions (non-stressed control and stressed condition( and two treatments, i.e. control and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF, Rhizophagus irregularis). The subplots consisted of unfertilized control, 100% farmyard manure (8.5 Mg FYM ha-1(, 100% N (120 kg urea ha-1), 75% FYM and 25% urea, 50% FYM and 50% urea, 25% FYM and 75% urea. In both of years, the drought stress reduced AMF colonization (by 30.3 and 15.3%), phosphorous content in purslane, while contributing to the production of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The AMF increased unsaturated fatty acid content of leaf in purslane. Application of nitrogen fertilizers enhanced phosphorous uptakes and fatty acid contents of the leaf under both irrigation conditions. It can be stipulated that the treatments with mixed application of FYM, urea and mycorrhiza tend to not only produce the highest values for qualitative and quantitative traits, but also reduce the need for water and nitrogen fertilizer.
To investigate combined effect of nitrogen and mycorrhiza under water deficit stress on the purslane, a factorial split experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted in a semi-arid region of Iran in 2015 and 2016. The main plots were factorial combination of two irrigation conditions (non-stressed control and stressed condition( and two treatments, i.e. control and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF, Rhizophagus irregularis). The subplots consisted of unfertilized control, 100% farmyard manure (8.5 Mg FYM ha-1(, 100% N (120 kg urea ha-1), 75% FYM and 25% urea, 50% FYM and 50% urea, 25% FYM and 75% urea. In both of years, the drought stress reduced AMF colonization (by 30.3 and 15.3%), phosphorous content in purslane, while contributing to the production of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The AMF increased unsaturated fatty acid content of leaf in purslane. Application of nitrogen fertilizers enhanced phosphorous uptakes and fatty acid contents of the leaf under both irrigation conditions. It can be stipulated that the treatments with mixed application of FYM, urea and mycorrhiza tend to not only produce the highest values for qualitative and quantitative traits, but also reduce the need for water and nitrogen fertilizer.
Keywords :
Colonization, Fatty acid, Manure, Urea, Water stress
Colonization, Fatty acid, Manure, Urea, Water stress