Today: Sunday, 9 March 2025
Identifying the environmental aspects of recycling used batteries (Case study: Parsian Part Industrial Complex, Pasargad)
Volume 5, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 35 - 40
Author(s) : Maryam Nasri Nasrabadi* 1 , Zahra johari 2 , Parvaneh Peykanpour 3

1 Ph.D. student in Environmental science and engineering, Department of Environment, Islamic Azad University of Isfahan , Isfahan, Iran

2 Ph.D. student in Environmental science and engineering, Department of Environment, Islamic Azad University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Environment and HSE Department, Islamic Azad University, branch of Najaf abad, Iran

Abstract :
One of the most prominent applications of lead is in the production of lead-acid batteries. Lead-acid batteries are used in most industries. They are small assemblies for storing energy through the controlled use of chemical reactions. Despite the existence of many advantages of batteries in industries, due to their high level of poisoning and threat to the health of humans and the environment and to preserve primary resources, their recycling is mandatory. Recycling used lead batteries can have effects on the environment. Melting lead components produces hazardous lead fumes. Lead fumes and dust released during the recycling process can become airborne to deposit on soil, water bodies, and other surfaces and contaminate the vicinity of recycling plants. Waste materials from lead processing also pollute land and water. Therefore, in the current research, the environmental effects of recycling lead-acid batteries on the natural environment, including soil, water, and air, were discussed, and then reduction solutions and corrective measures were pointed out
Keywords :
Battery , lead , recycling , pollution